The December 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor was a seminal event for both America and Hawai‘i. For the United States, it ushered in World War II in both Asia and Europe. For Hawai‘i, the islands became a military staging ground for the war in the Pacific, and the transition from a territory to a state began.
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser provided in-depth coverage of the seventy-fifth anniversary in 2016, which included a massive, eighty-eight-page commemorative edition, Day of Infamy: December 7, 1941, The Shocking Attack that Plunged America into World War II. Among the many stories were first-person accounts from civilians who witnessed the attack as well as service members who engaged the enemy and lived to tell about it.
The Star-Advertiser decided to publish it, with additional material, as a book.There are many accounts and narratives of December 7, 1941, but none captures the day in photographic detail as does Remember Pearl Harbor. There are over 270 photos from the National Park Service, Hawai‘i military museums, state and national collections, and the archives of the Star-Advertiser.
Special fold-out pages show the lead-up to the attack, the formations of both Japanese and U.S. warplanes and ships, elaborate maps, and a visual salute to the fallen.